Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kensington Runestone Location- opþagelsefärd-- Could this Old Swedish word mean "mapping"

Opþagelsefärd--  Could this Old Swedish word have a double meaning------"RECORDING/MAPPING journey"

Portolan Chart 
from Duluth Harbor to the start of the Minnesota River
from Wahpeton, N.D. to Chicago Portage to Des Plains River
from Mackinac Isthmus to start of Red River (Bois de Sioux)
the center of this compass rose is the KRS site!

Solstices & Equinoxes for Minneapolis (1350—1399)

8 : göter : ok : 22 : norrmen : po :
...o : opþagelsefärd : fro :
vinland : of : vest : vi :

Eight Götalanders and 22 Northmen on (this?) acquisition journey from Vinland far to the west.


"opþagelsefärd " which is an Old Swedish word meaning "acquisition business, or taking up land."

opþagelse färd--  Could this word also mean
"recording/mapping journey "

The word "opþagelsefärd " which is an Old Swedish word meaning "acquisition business, or taking up land.” 

Could this Old Swedish word have a double meaning?

"optagelse färd "- in current Swedish the meaning is “ recording journey” or “mapping journey

Here is link to " Google Translate” -----Swedish to English

Making a Chart or  Map in 1362 A.D.

Rhumb lines - used in Portolan Charts

A ‘rhumb line’ (or loxodrome) is a path of constant bearing, which crosses all meridians at the same angle.

Sailors used to (and sometimes still) navigate along rhumb lines since it is easier to follow a constant compass bearing than to be continually adjusting the bearing, as is needed to follow a great circle. Rhumb lines are straight lines on a Mercator Projec­tion map (also helpful for naviga­tion).
Rhumb lines are generally longer than great-circle (orthodrome) routes. For instance, London to New York is 4% longer along a rhumb line than along a great circle – important for avia­tion fuel, but not particularly to sailing vessels. New York to Beijing – close to the most extreme example possible (though not sailable!) – is 30% longer along a rhumb line.
(map above) from start of the Minnesota River ➼over the two of the KRS➼ to Duluth Harbor 
(reverse)from Duluth Harbor to start of the Minnesota River - Heading 70° 43' 58"

 (Map Below}-From Wahpeton, ND ➼over the top of the KRS➼to Portage Park, IL  (ancient portage to Mississippi River) Heading of 123° 56' 19'

  • Note: In  the 2 green maps above -the 2 red lines intersect at the KRS Site
  • all Google Maps used with permissions

all navigation maps created at this website. 

  • (Map Above) From Duluth Harbor to KRS - Heading 250.6° traveling 298km 
  • (Map Below)1895 Map by- Woolman, Albert J. 
1895 Map by- Woolman, Albert J. (1895)  Report upon ichthyological investigations in western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota, (Note; before current Dams)
Same Map as the 1895 Map above by- Woolman, Albert J. but in current Google Earth.
From Duluth harbor ➸over the top of KRS site ➸to the start of the Minnesota River-Heading 250.6°
(Map Above)Heading 270° from the KRS hits Lake Traverse or (start of Bois de Sioux river) in this 1918 USGS map.

Portolan  Charts

Portolan Chart of the Mediterranean Sea Ca. 1320 to 1350: Manuscript Chart of the Mediterranean and Black Seas on Vellum. [13--?, 1320] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,   

Note; The accuracy of this map c. 1320/1350 A.D.  It was created in the same era as the KRS  using   Rhumb lines and compass rose.

Note; The boot of Italy and Sardinia.

Note; The Distance scale in the middle/left.


Rhumb Lines
                               1489 Portolan Chart, Albino de Canepa, Cartographer
The rhumb lines on the map could be followed to navigate a vessel at sea; the grid made from them could be used to copy this portolan chart. [For more detailed circles in separate windows, click on the images.]

navigating on the rhumb

Were the travelers in c. 1362 A.D.  at the Kensington site mapping this unknown 
continent?or were they working off a map that was found in the Mediterranean/Levant?

see my other KRS Blogs -